Seattle Public Schools

Cascadia Elementary

1700 N 90th St.
Seattle, WA 98103
About Cascadia
Main Office: 206-413-2000
Fax: 206-413-2001

Cascadia School Profile

School Leadership and Board District

Community Partners at Cascadia Community resources and programs at Cascadia Elementary

Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP)

Cascadia Elementary CSIP

The Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP) is an action plan for each school that identifies the areas a school plans to focus on in the current and coming school year, the performance goals they want students to achieve, and how the school plans to collaboratively meet these goals.

The plans are updated regularly to reflect the strategies being used at each school. This document also serves as the school-wide improvement plan for our Title I schools.

School and Building Reports

School Report

Cascadia Elementary School Report

School Reports show a brief snapshot of a school’s academic growth, student climate, accountability, family and staff engagement, and overall school performance. School reports are produced by the State Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction for each school and district in the state and updated periodically throughout the year as data becomes available.

On state assessments, students who are expected to participate but do not, such as absences or opting out, are counted as non-proficient. This may affect the school’s overall proficiency rating.

Questions about school reports? Contact the Research and Evaluation Department

School Climate Surveys

Cascadia Elementary School Climate Survey

School Climate Surveys are used for school-level improvements, climate surveys are given to all staff, students, and families each year. The staff and student surveys are given to respective groups in person at schools; the family survey occurs in the spring.

Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA)

Due to the age of the building or previous asbestos abatement projects, no known Asbestos Containing Building Materials (ACBM) are in the Cascadia Elementary building. Please inform the asbestos designated person listed below if any suspect materials are discovered.

As required under AHERA, Cascadia Elementary must maintain an Asbestos Management Plan (AMP) and keep it on file at the school. The AMP is available for review during school hours, Monday through Friday.

Wendy Couture
Environmental Health and Safety Manager

Discipline Dashboard

As part of Seattle Excellence, Seattle Public Schools’ Strategic Plan, the district is committed to interrupting disproportionate practices in discipline. To support this work and to increase transparency and accountability, the district has created and published public facing discipline dashboards for each school which became available on November 1, 2021.

Discipline dashboard data reflects the current school year and will be updated quarterly throughout the school year. For questions or concerns, please reach out to the school leader for a specific school.

Academic Year: Current academic school year.
Accessible/Default: Click here to switch to an accessible version of the dashboard.
Actions by Month: Count of disciplinary actions by month and exclusion type.
Actions: Count of disciplinary actions for an exclusion type.
Attribute: Student Attribute (gender, race/ethnicity, special education served, 504 plan)
Days: Count of exclusion days for an exclusion type.
Days of Exclusion: Count of exclusion days.
Discipline Rate: Count of students with at least one disciplinary incident divided by count of all enrolled students.
E. Expulsions: Count of emergency expulsions for a student attribute.
Enrolled: Count of enrolled students.
Exclusion Actions: Count of exclusionary actions for a student attribute.
Exclusion Days: Count of exclusion days for a student attribute.
Exclusion Type: Short-term suspension (SS), Long-term suspension (LS), Emergency expulsion (EE), In-school suspension (IS), Expulsion (EX), and Interim alternative education setting (IA).
Exclusionary Actions: Count of exclusionary actions.
Expulsions: Count of expulsions for a student attribute.
FERPA Compliance: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Compliance. *
Incidents by Day of Week: Count of disciplinary actions by day of week.
Incidents by Grade: Count of disciplinary actions by grade.
Incidents by Hour: Count of disciplinary actions by hour.
Incidents by Exclusion Type: Count of disciplinary incidents for an exclusion type.
Incidents by Student Attribute or Support Service: Count of disciplinary incidents. Incidents are counted as many times as there are students involved.
Incidents per 100 Students: Count of disciplinary incidents divided by enrolled students and then multiplied by 100. Incidents are counted as many times as there are students involved.
Rate: Discipline rate for an exclusion type.
School Name: School name.
Students: Count of students with at least one disciplinary incident.
Suspensions: Count of suspensions for a student attribute.
Weapons: Count of disciplinary incidents in which a weapon was involved.

* Please note: When a group has fewer than 10 enrolled students, all values for at least the two smallest groups are suppressed.

Cascadia Levy Projects


The buildings that formerly made up the Wilson Pacific campus were removed and replaced with the new Cascadia Elementary School building and the new Robert Eagle Staff Middle School building. Licton Springs K-8 School occupies one wing of the new middle school building. The new school buildings opened Fall 2017.

Levy Approved : 2013

Project Description

The previously existing 110,000-square-foot, 1950’s buildings for Wilson-Pacific School were be demolished to make way for the new schools. The Native American murals by artist Andrew Morrison were detached, stored and reinstalled as part of construction of the new buildings. The new campus was designed to co-located an elementary school, a middle school and a K-8 school. It includes a central synthetic turf playfield with a walking track as well as soccer and softball fields that also serve community athletics.

Cascadia Elementary is a Highly Capable Cohort (HCC) school serving the needs of students in grades 1-5, who are academically highly capable. The new Cascadia Elementary School, provides classroom space for 660 students within approximately 91,000 square feet. The exterior incorporates some of the landmarked Andrew Morrison murals. The library and adjacent student commons share a full-height window wall that provides access into the main student play courtyard, and together form the heart of the school. The stage has been located adjacent to the gymnasium to accommodate assemblies as well as large performances.

Organized in two-story classroom wings, the school design optimizes passive solar orientation and daylight in classrooms. Each wing includes a shared learning commons that allows for small groups to work independently, while staff maintain supervision through interior window walls. This grouping provides opportunities for staff and students to work together in a variety of learning communities, including grade-level teams or other collaborative models. Each learning commons connects to an outdoor learning environment that supports additional activities not typically available in a traditional elementary environment.

The new Cascadia building provides two spaces that can support elementary music instruction: a dedicated music room as well as space for instrumental music instruction on the stage. There are also two studios available for arts or other student projects on the second floor. Classrooms for Special Education are integrated within the classroom wings to provide equitable access to the variety of available spaces and amenities. A separate building with a pre-K classroom and a child care space provides support for early learners as well as for families who need before and after school care for their students.

Sustainability Features

Energy efficiency is achieved through optimum daylighting, thermally efficient fiberglass windows, LED lighting fixtures, and low maintenance mechanical and plumbing systems.

About BEX

The Building Excellence (BEX) Capital Levy funds projects such as those that modernize or replace aging buildings, fund technology for student learning, address earthquake and safety issues and major preventive maintenance needs throughout the district.

The BEX IV Capital Levy was approved by more than 72 percent of Seattle voters in 2013.The BEX V Capital Levy replaces the expiring Levy and will go before voters in February 2019.

Enroll at Cascadia