05-09-2024 Meeting Minutes
05-09-2024 Meeting Minutes
Seattle Public Schools Native Education
Title Vl, Indian Parent Advisory Committee (IPAC)
Thursday, May 9, 2024
In attendance: Gail Morris, Clysta Cole, Tonia Galindo, Trina Nonis, Donna Hale-Wolcott, Danielle Vaillancourt
- Meeting started at 5:06pm
- Motion to approve April minutes: Trina
- Second: Donna
- Motion: passed
Title VI Grant
- Gail presented the breakdown for the Title VI grant for 2024-25 school year. It’s the same objective for the 4 year grant. Please see the website for details.
Motion to approve the grant: Clysta
Second: Donna
Motion: passed
Year End Moving Up Ceremony
Date: June 4, 5pm-8pm (4pm to set up)
Chef Olivia Ford for food (gluten free options available)
Venue: Meany Middle School
Families should RSVP to Gail Morris gtmorris@vko29.com
Seniors MUST be present to receive their blanket
The EOY planning committee (Trina, Heather, Donna & Gail) met via TEAMS on Wednesday 5/8.
- MC needed. Donna is checking with Paul.
- Trina made an Amazon wish list to make ordering party supplies easier for Gail & Shanna
- Heather has a photo backdrop and stand she will bring
- Heather has parent volunteers from Coe Elementary School to come serve the food
- Heather has a display that can be used to hold the paddle necklaces so they don’t get tangled
- Paddles are here and being engraved and put together this week
- Necklace making event on a Wednesday at Meany staff and IPAC to help make necklaces. If we can get 10 people to come, it will make the work much quicker.
- Gail will harvest cedar from her tree for center pieces on the tables
- Shanna to order balloons again. Trina will contact her.
- Looking ahead to next year: Possible venue change to YMCA. Maybe having the event on a weekend so more families can attend. Clysta is going to talk to the YMCA about possibly donating the space.
Native Education Update
- Hiring a High School Graduation Coordinator role – works with 6th grade and up to ensure path to graduation is successful (including college applications and scholarship support)
- Hiio’s last day is Friday 5/10. He will be moving on to write the curriculum and teach the Mohawk language to his people. We are now hiring for the IA position.
- Gail will submit the Title VI grant as approved and will continue to write extra grants to support the Native Education Program for next school year.
The next CULTURE NIGHT, May 21, 2024, is at Meany Middle School 301 21st Ave. E. Seattle, WA 98112 room 46, 5:00-7:00 pm
Meeting ended at 6:05 p.m.
Next meeting is on June 13, 2024
We encourage all parents and guardians of Seattle Public Schools Native American and Alaskan Native Students to attend. The role of the Title Vl Native Education Parent Advisory Committee is to consult with and advise the Seattle School District on the development and operation of the Title Vl Program, assist in the development and approval of the Title Vl grant, and to help organize and conduct community cultural events, it’s important to know that the PAC helps to organize events and raise funds as well. By serving on the PAC parents and guardians of Native American/Alaskan Native Students in Seattle Public Schools can help decide the program goals and activities.
For information contact Gail Morris gtmorris@vko29.com 206-252-0948